Name: Itsuto Okaru (岡留イツト)
Kana: おかる いつと
CV: codyboyo
Gender: Male
Age: adaptable
Weight: 57kg
Height: 180cm
Nicknames: Itsu (いつ), Its (いっつ), Ikkun (いっくん)
Birthday: February 9, 2019
Genre: Adaptable
Range: B1 ~ A#5
First Person Pronouns: 僕 (boku)
Second Person Pronouns: あなた (anata)
Languages: Japanese, English, Chinese, French, Korean
Though the character Okaru Itsuto has established personality and characteristics, he does not need to adjust in this way for songs, art, videos, or the other media in which he's used.
Okaru (岡留) - His surname can also be read as おかどめ (o ka do me), but it should be read as おかる (o ka ru).
Itsuto (イツト) - From the Japanese name 逸人 (itsuto). 逸 (itsu) meaning "flee, escape, break loose" and 人 (to) meaning "person".
Itsuto is generally very kind-hearted and nice to others but also has
a cynical, arrogant side.
Itsuto loves to sing. He also has a very soft spot for animals, especially cats. He also loves sweets and buttered toast.
Itsuto has rather arrogant views on most of the world, despite being very kind-hearted and welcoming. He doesn't like some of the ways people of the world act. He also dislikes abuse and bullying and also has a fear of heights.
Itsuto is generally portrayed with a pastel green sweater and pants with a blue long sleeve undershirt. The undershirt is a crop top when the sweater is taken off. He wears a green belt with a yellow end + a chain, with bandages on both hands accompanied by white boots with high heels. He sports a patch on his face. His headphones are green with silver linings and a microphone attached for concerts.
Recommended Resamplers
fresamp13 (F0)
doppeltler (a100B0)
moresampler (Mb-100e)
Printto Magicbeat - Close friend. They often see movies together when a new one comes out.
Daichi Akiyama - Close friend. They frequently play videogames together.
Max Matsuki - Close friend. Itsuto helps take care of his chickens. They may perform together sometimes.
Marina Matsuki - Friend, mostly by association with Max
PAISAN - Close friend
Other Information
Itsuto owns a brown and white cat named Dorayaki.
Itsuto is a vincian masexual.
Itsuto has three biological fathers. Because of this, he is English-French-Japanese.
Itsuto often gets into fistfights. He has been arrested multiple times and bailed out by friends.